Our Prices

At Plan A Health, we are committed to providing high-quality mental health services at accessible prices. We understand the importance of mental health and strive to offer comprehensive care that meets your needs. Below are our current pricing options, including a special introductory rate.

Special Introductory Rate

We are pleased to offer a special introductory rate, providing a 20% discount on our standard fees. This means you can access our services at a reduced cost for a limited time.

Therapy Sessions

Full Therapeutic Hour including CBT, EMDR, Brainspotting: £60
Our full therapeutic hour sessions are designed to provide in-depth support and guidance. This special rate is available for a limited time.

Adult ADHD Assessment and Screening: £120
This comprehensive service includes a one-hour appointment and a detailed report with recommendations and onward referral advice. Our assessment process is thorough, ensuring you receive an accurate assessment and a tailored treatment plan.

Quick Mental Health Check-Up

30-Minute Mental Health Check-Up: £40
For those seeking a quick evaluation of their mental health, our 30-minute check-up provides a brief yet effective assessment. This service is ideal for individuals looking to gain insights into their mental wellbeing without committing to a full session.

Training, Consulting, and Other Services:

For all other services, including mental health training, consulting, and specialised programs, please contact us directly to discuss your needs and obtain a quote. We offer a range of solutions tailored to businesses, healthcare organisations, and individuals, ensuring you receive the best possible support.

Contact Us

To learn more about our services or to book an appointment, please get in touch with us via details below or submit a contact form:

Plan A Health
Email: info@plana.health  
Phone: +44(0)7957951522

We look forward to supporting you on your journey to better mental health.

For further details contact us here
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