Partner with Us

We believe in the power of collaboration to drive meaningful change in mental health. We are committed to forming strategic partnerships with a diverse range of organisations, groups and individuals to enhance mental health and wellbeing services. By working together, we can create innovative solutions, improve patient outcomes, and make a lasting impact on the communities we serve.

Why Partner with Plana Health?
  • Shared Expertise: Leverage our extensive knowledge in mental health and wellbeing to complement your services.
  • Innovative Solutions: Collaborate on cutting-edge projects that integrate mental health with physical health, digital health, and other therapeutic services.
  • Enhanced Reach: Expand your impact by connecting with our network of healthcare providers, businesses, and digital health innovators.
  • Improved Outcomes: Work together to develop and implement strategies that improve patient care and overall health outcomes.
Partnership Opportunities

We are looking to partner with organisations across various sectors, including:

Primary Care and GP Services

Collaborate with us to integrate mental health support into primary care settings. Together, we can provide comprehensive care that addresses both physical and mental health needs.

Therapeutic and Physical Health Services

Join forces with us to offer holistic health solutions that combine physical therapy, mental health support, and wellness programs. Our goal is to create a seamless care experience for patients.

Businesses with a Mental Health Component

Partner with us to enhance your workplace mental health initiatives. We offer training, policy advice, and support to help you create a mentally healthy work environment.

Digital Health Businesses

Work with us to develop and implement digital health solutions that improve access to mental health services. From telehealth platforms to mental health apps, we are eager to explore innovative technologies that can transform care delivery.

Get in Touch via the Contact Form, below:

If your organisation is interested in partnering with us we would love to hear from you. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those we serve.

For further enquiries about partnering up contact us today
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